School Pastors in Scotland

School Pastors also operate in Scotland in a small but growing number of schools offering a range of activities and coming alongside students, following initial discussions with the school and with agreement from them. This can include chats with individual students, the creation and managing of ‘safe spaces’ in schools, help with transport issues and being involved in breakfast clubs, school assemblies and other school activities.

In addition, Street Pastor day patrols at lunchtimes operate to engage with young and other people during the school lunchbreaks, again with agreement with the relevant school management.

School Pastors are usually in schools at once a week in teams of two or three and are fully trained with an emphasis on youth culture and safeguarding. They are seen as a valuable additional support to schools and their students.

To know more about School Pastors and how they operate, contact or call 01475 783000 or 07932 154515.

Rail Pastors in Scotland

Rail Pastors have been active in Scotland for a number of years, operating on train lines in Fife, Inverclyde and Paisley, plus on a number of other railway platforms across the country.

In their bright sky-blue uniforms, and in teams of three, they are able to listen, care and help travellers who otherwise might feel a little unsafe, or needing a helpful person to chat to. The Rail Pastor team can also help signpost people to suitable agencies for any further help.

The sight of three people in these uniforms moving through the railway carriages can help to calm down situations which in other times might prove intimidating to passengers. The team will readily engage with passengers and also the station and on-board staff and receive many thanks on each journey from passengers glad the team are on their trains.

Rail Pastors operate in Scotland in partnership with Network Rail, Scotrail, British transport Police and the Samaritans. The are fully trained, using much of the training received as a Street Pastor for their Rail Pastor role, with added emphasis to look out for potential suicides.

To know more about Rail Pastors and how they operate, contact or call 01475 783000 or 07932 154515.